A special award was presented to Luann Waldo, retired News Gazette/Scranton Journal editor, was honored with 2025 Sports Media Award during the Panorama vs AC/GC basketball game Jan. 24 at Panorama High School.
Waldo (pictured, right) was given a plaque and a standing ovation from the large “pink out” crowd. She was nominated for the honor by Panorama athletic director Bruce Dahlhauser. The award was presented by Erin Gerlich, Panorama native and executive director of the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union (pictured, left).
In notifying Waldo of the award, David Huff, historian for the Iowa High School Athletic Directors Association, stated: “It is quite rewarding to know that your dedication and your leadership for the benefit of young student-athletes and coaches in the Panorama School District and the State of Iowa have been recognized by your community. The IHSADA is proud to recognize you as a 2025 Sports Media Award recipient.”

Following is the announcement that was read during the presentation.
““The Iowa High School Athletic Directors Association gives out a number of awards to deserving recipients each year in an effort to highlight the very best of those who work in high school athletics across the state. One of those awards, the Sports Media Award, has been given annually since 1992. In that time, 55 individuals have been recognized for their contributions to covering local high school activities and the tremendous impact they have had on the communities in which they work.
“Tonight, we recognize one of these recipients. Presenting the award on behalf of the Iowa High School Athletic Association is executive director of the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union, Erin Gerlich.
Please help us in congratulating Luann Waldo on being named a 2025 Sports Media Award Winner.
“Luann retired this past fall after reaching her 50-year milestone in the newspaper business. Luann spent countless nights over those 50 years on the sidelines or in a gym, covering any sporting event that was taking place. She also witnessed the consolidation and reorganization of multiple school districts, documenting it every step of the way as the district lines shifted around her.
“In sports, there is generally some bad mixed in with the good. Luann always strived to publish the positive and focused on ‘our kids’. Knowing her work can be found in scrapbooks across multiple generations helps ensure her impact will be remembered for many, many years.
“Thank you, Luann, for your immeasurable impact on our community, as well as others across many other neighboring communities. You have certainly made a difference and we take much pride in being called one of ‘your’ teams. “
Past recipients with ties to this area include Harold Bailey, Perry, 1998; Bayard native Gary Bucklin, Creston, 2003; Shawn Kenney, Perry, 2010, and Doug Rieder, Greene County, 2020. ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal